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Smart Flash Header

Smart Flash Header 3.0.3

(0 رای)

This is not another flash header! It's a smart, slick and easy to configure header, picture rotator, banner, you name it.

Adjustable for any size, this extension is loaded with smart settings to play with, motion blur effect and intelligent rotator based on the length of description. You don't have to adjust the time each picture will change. Smart Flash Header will do it for you.

Version 2 is now available. The most advanced image rotator for Joomla! has been improved, again! Easy, lightweight and a pleasure to work with.

نمایش ها 4,684 دانلودها 0
نسخه: 3.0.3 ايجاد شده
سيستم Joomla 1.5 & 2.5 & 3 به روز رسانی در 1402-06-28
توسعه دهنده ProJoom
مجوز GNU/GPL external قيمت 4.99 $ EUR
  • auto-resizable header / gallery / slide show
  • SmartPublish feature (publish separate categories with only one instance)
  • Country Access feature (display separate categories based on visitor country)
  • Schedule feature (publish separate categories based on scheduled date)
  • unlimited instances / page
  • native rounded corners
  • JoomFish! support
  • auto-resizing engine
  • easy management
  • management component with picture preview
  • batch uploader
  • 3 modes of operation (module/component/folder)
  • can read pictures from folder (and subfolders)
  • smart timing based on description length
  • button / label navigation with easy positioning
  • many control options
  • 100% compatible with any template or extension
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