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JV-HelpDesk Pro

JV-HelpDesk Pro 2.3

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سیستم های پرسش و پاسخ و سیستم های تیکت دهی و پشتیبانی دو نوع سیستم متفاوت با یک هدف یکسان هستند.یکی کمک به حل مشکل کاربران. اخیرا یکی از شرکت ها این دو سیستم پرکاربرد را ترکیب کرده و یک سیستم پشتیبانی و راهنمایی با نام  JV HelpDesk  راه اندازی کرده یکی از جدیدترین افزونه ها برای ارائه یک سیستم پشتیبانی پیشرفته در سایت شما می باشد. این افزونه در واقع همزمان یک سیستم تیکت دهی و یک سیستم پرسش و پاسخ است بدین معنی که کاربران می توانند نوع پیامشان را خصوصی انتخاب کنند تا فقط مدیریت ببیند و پاسخ دهد. یا نوع پیام را عمومی انتخاب کنند تا همانند یک سیستم پرسش و پاسخ و انجمن دیگر کاربران نیز بتوانند تیکت را دیده و به آن پاسخ دهند. چیزی که این افزونه را متمایز کرده قابلیت لایک و فالو کاربران می باشد. بدین معنی که شما می توانید کاربری که پاسخ شمارا داده لایک کرده ، به او امتیاز دهید و یا او را فالو کنید. همچنین این افزونه توانایی اتصال به واتس آپ و ارسال گزارشات در واتس آپ را دارد (که البته این مورد پولی است و باید اکانت متصل به api واتس آپ از سایت دیگری خریداری گردد.).

نمایش ها 5,052 دانلودها 13
نسخه: 2.3 ايجاد شده
سيستم Joomla 3 به روز رسانی در 1398-09-01
وب سايت صفحه نخست external توسعه دهنده JV-Extensions external
مجوز GNU/GPL external قيمت 39 $ EUR

Unlimited Categories

No limit to the number of categories that can be created. Create as many levels of nesting for categories as you need!.

Ticket Priorities

Create new priorities in back-end! Let your customers indicate urgency with priority to tickets.

Ticket Statuses

Move tickets across different statuses based on with whose action is required. Create new statuses from back-end.

Front-end Customer Dashboard

Dashboard screen for a logged in user that shows links to open ticket, view tickets, search tickets etc...

Manage Tickets

Staff members can manage tickets in front-end and back-end, filter them, and search them in back-end and front-end

Access Control Permissions

Restrict users to open tickets in categories with user group Access control permissions settings.

Staff Member Group

Use a specific usergroup and email addresses for staff members who can work on tickets.

Ticket Attachments

Configure file extensions and number of attachments per ticket. Customers can attach files to their tickets.

Auto Close Tickets

Set number of days of idling after which a ticket will be automatically closed by JV-HelpDesk.

Custom Fields

Create custom fields like text, image, checkbox, color, editor, integer, list etc... for tickets. Associate fields to "Field Groups" and group them.

Customer Signatures

Allow customers to add signatures which can be shown underneath ticket description and replies to ticket posts.

Manage Ticket Types

Classify tickets into types like Bug, Feature request, etc... Show them to customers, and search based on them.

Re-Assign Tickets

Staff members of tickets can re-assign their tickets to any other staff member quickly and easily from site front-end.

Multiple User Groups for Staff

Add multiple user groups for staff so that tickets can be handled by different groups or departments.

Auto-Assign Tickets

Automatically assign tickets to specific staff member, or to staff in a group randomly or by ticket load using Rules!

Captcha for Anti-Spam

Challenge users with Captcha to prevent spam in new ticket and reply submission forms.

Private Tickets

Only ticket creator and staff can view ticket and replies.

Public Tickets

Everyone can view ticket and it's replies.

Group Tickets

Collaborate by sharing ticket details and replies with group members.

Confidential Replies

Secure ticket replies that have sensitive information

File Downloads

Provide downloads of files to users from Help Desk system

Canned Responses or Blurbs

Create canned responses and improve productivity of staff members

Comprehensive Permission Matrix

Configure permissions for almost all possible actions that can be done on tickets with users

Community Builder Integration

Strong community builder integration with tickets in CB user profile

Like Ticket Replies

Anyone can like replies made in public tickets.

Follow Tickets

Anyone can follow and be notified of replies to public tickets.

Upvote Tickets

Anyone can upvote a public ticket indicating a similar issue or expressing interest.

Private Notes in Tickets

Staff members can create private notes in tickets which are visible only to them. Typically used for internal notes.

First Response Time

Calculate and track First Response Time for tickets by Staff members with trending graphs.

Export Tickets to HTML

Export Tickets in HTML format for offline review

Limit Simultaneous Open Ticket Count

Set maximum number of simultaneous open tickets that a user can open. Typically used to prevent spamming by visitors.

Related Tickets

When a tickets are closed, customers can open new tickets that are related or based on an existing tickets!

Customer Satisfaction Ratings

Know how satisfied your customers are by letting them rate tickets when tickets are closed.

Warning Message for Priorities

Configure certain priorities of tickets to show a warning message when they are chosen by the customer.

* SMS Notifications

Notify pre-defined staff members via SMS whenever tickets of certain priorities are opened.

* Whatsapp Notifications

Notify pre-defined Whatsapp group of staff members whenever tickets of certain priorities are opened

Ticket Tags

Make it easier for customers and staff to find or classify tickets by tagging them with keywords!

Responsive Layouts

Compatible with Twitter Bootstrap 2.3.2 and 3.x versions. Decide to load jQuery, Bootstrap CSS and JS if required from back-end.

Migrate from Systems

Migrate from other existing ticketing systems like Akeeba Ticket System to JV-HelpDesk with 1-click!.

Recent Ticket Module

Display list of tickets created recently, in a Joomla module

Recent Replies Module

Display list of ticket replies added recently in a Joomla module.

Un-Assigned Tickets Module

Display those tickets in a Joomla module to staff members which are not assigned to anyone yet.

Ticket Status Module

Display list of tickets of a chosen status like Open, Pending, Closed etc.... in a Joomla module

Ticket Tags Module

Display a cloud of tags from tickets in a Joomla module

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