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Point of Sale (POS) System For Virtuemart

Joomla Virtuemart Point Of Sale (POS) System : Joomla Virtuemart Point Of Sale (POS) System refers to a system where the merchant can create an order from his physical store using the POS and the order will be easily generated at Virtuemart. When you have a physical store and a VirtueMart webshop you can sell your goods with your Point of Sale without giving your sales staff access to the VirtueMart backend. All products/orders/calculation rules/customers will be synchronized into the POS. In this manner, your web store inventory will be synchronized with stock at physical store.


  • Admin can easily integrate Joomla Virtuemart POS System into Joomla Virtuemart site.
  • Admin can decide cashier(s) among the Joomla site users, who can access POS system
  • All virtuemart products are listed in "POS Products" and admin can publish/unpublish product from there.
  • All the registered customers with POS can viewable at "POS Customers".
  • Admin can set Receipt title from configuration
  • All the virtuemart products are listed in POS view on frontend along with price and SKU on hover.
  • The cashier can add a product to POS cart by simply click on the product and can manage quantity using increment/decrement buttons on POS cart.
  • Option to put cart on hold is provided.
  • A cashier can simply search for products by name/SKU.
  • A cashier can simply search for a customer by phone number and also can add new a customer.
  • POS orders are integrated with virtuemart and can be managed from virtuemart too.
  • Responsive views.


  • Supports Custom Fields, Cashier can choose from different available variants.
  • Supports Barcode reader, Admin can generate Barcode of products from "POS Products" admin panel and can print barcode label. Casher can add product using barcode reader.
  • Sync order with virtuemart.
Only registered and logged in users can download this file.


Leanne Williamson
Leanne Williamson
7 months ago
I'm looking to download the virtuemart POS system.
Please advise.
Kind regards
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Joomla! Share
Joomla! Share
7 months ago
Hi, below extension :

but not tested with latest version of joomla and virtuemart.
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