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Virtuemart Auto Image Search

Virtuemart Auto Image Search 2.0.1

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Many users have felt how uncomable the standard loading of images of goods in VirtueMart can be. Images can be downloaded only one at a time, you need to select several options, fill in 3 text fields and wait until the page reloads ... It takes a lot of time to download all the images for Virtuemart products. In addition, these images first need somewhere to find and download or photograph the goods yourself. Of course, you can hire a freelancer who will do all the routine work for you. But on average the addition of one product will cost you from 15 to 40 rubles . Multiplying by the number of products that you need, get a very decent amount ( 1500 - 4000 rubles for 100 products )!

But there is a more affordable alternative to this!

Using the " Automatic bulk uploading of images of goods Virtuemart 2 and Virtuemart 3 ", you can easily upload photos for 100 products in 10-15 minutes (if you select images of products from the list of images that the component found in Google, manually) or start the process of automatic search and downloading of images (the product will automatically be attached to the first image found), which can find and download up to 100 images in 3 minutes .

Views 4,878 Downloads 5
Version 2.0.1 Created
System Joomla 2.5 & 3 Changed 2019-10-20
Website JED external Developer PHP-Programmist external
License GNU/GPL external Price 30 $ EUR

Features of the component:

  1. You can use multi-download (i.e., you can download several images at once) from your computer in one click.
  2. The component searches for images of products in Google on the basis of the name of goods or "Article + Manufacturer."
  3. You can independently mark suitable images of the goods.
  4. You can download one product or batch search for all selected VirtueMart products.
  5. Ability to add a watermark to all uploaded images.
  6. Automatic creation of thumbnail images based on the settings in the settings.
  7. You can make a batch selection of the first few (the amount you specify yourself) of the images from the list for each item.
  8. The ability to search for an additional keyword for products that did not have suitable images based on a single name only.
  9. Batch or single removal of already loaded images of goods.
  10. You can filter out products and categories, leaving only those that do not have images.
  11. The ability to automatically search and download images of goods. The component will select all products or categories that do not have images. Then he will search for the specified number of images, upload them to your site in the images / stories / virtuemart / product folder (for products) and images / stories / virtuemart / category (for categories). Creates thumbnails according to the settings in the settings and fixes images for the goods. You can follow the process of searching and downloading in real time.
  12. When you log in to the Joomla admin panel on the shortcut bar, you specify how many products there are no images. This way you can easily monitor the situation on the Virtuemart store.
  13. The ability to use a proxy server to search for images.
Only registered and logged in users can download this file.


6 years ago
Please update last version
17.11.2017 (v 2.4.0)
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