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JoomShopping Ajax Cart Pro

JoomShopping Ajax Cart Pro 1.0.1

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JoomShopping is most popular eCommerce solution for Joomla. JoomShopping have many and many features, plugins, modules, addons and so on for improve your online business with charm. But many JoomShopping themes do not have instruments for best customization cart. JoomShopping Ajax Cart Pro is powerful module for create and modify cart for your popular online shop.

If You have choosed joomla and JoomShopping for your ecomerce business and you searching now for poverfull solutions, so start from this instrument.

JoomShopping Ajax Cart Pro have a lot of options such as button style 5 + 2 additional styles, you can even select black or white syles for cart, You can switch on/off PopUp function, Select your currency if neccesary, you can select cart position, play with color and choose best variant for your purpose, so finally JoomShopping Ajax Cart Pro fully customizable. Don’t worry you can customize this module however you like.

Views 3,890 Downloads 4
Version 1.0.1 Created
System Joomla 3 Changed 2019-10-19
Website JED external Developer Macuenic external
License GNU/GPL external Price 28 $ EUR
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