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Booking and Reservation System For Virtuemart

Booking and Reservation System For Virtuemart 1.0

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Joomla Virtuemart Booking and Reservation System - Here is Virtuemart booking and reservation system. This product provides the facility of single booking multiple days and multiple bookings single day. This product provides an online business platform for local business entities to manage their daily business in a systematic flow. In addition to this, the reservation system offers a range of features to easily organize and manage bookable items.

Views 5,835 Downloads 22
Version 1.0 Created
System Joomla 3 Changed 2018-03-27
Website JED external Developer WebKul external
License GNU/GPL external Price 5 EUR


  • Allows admin to separately create a product under 'Multiple order single day' or 'Single order multiple day' category
  • Allows admin to create product that may be available on booking or direct purchase (or both)
  • Has a feature to count first day (Yes or No) in 'Single order multiple day' categorized product like Hotels, Resorts and Marriage Halls etc.
  • Has a feature to allow/disallow previous booking end date to be available for next booking.
  • Admin can set different additional values to each product like - Additional charges for any particular weekday or weekend. Additional charges can be applied to a product
  • Admin can set an optional amount charge for each service, that is dynamically selected by any buyer while booking a service
  • Admin can set booking available start and end date.i.e booking open and close dates
  • Admin can set any day as an off( officially close ) in a week i.e, between Monday to Sunday
  • Multi-currency support.
  • Includes zero shipment plugin(that works on the reference of product's custom fields) to allow zero shipments in case of Booking services.
  • Application of 'Sweet alert' for better user experience.
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